Commissioners kick off Grandparents/Caregivers Seminar
Commissioners Archie Trader, Dave Coder and Blair Zimmerman welcome attendees at the Grandparents/Caregivers seminar held recently at the fairgrounds.
Greene County Commissioners kicked off a special seminar, titled “Grandparents and Other Caregivers Raising Children,” by welcoming those in attendance at the seminar, which was held recently at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
The informational seminar was held for grandparents or other caregivers raising children as well for those interested in opening their hearts and homes to children in need.
Resources and workshops were provided to assist those in attendance with caregiver roles; these included legal issues and options, roles and responsibilities of kinship caregivers, overview of Children and Youth Services, SW PA AAA programs and support groups, substance abuse and impact of the opioid crisis on families, caring for children of substance abusing parents, support for returning to the workforce, and mental health issues and impact of trauma on children.
This seminar – which was presented to a large group of child welfare professionals, advocates and community leaders – was coordinated by American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law, Greene County’s Children and Youth Services and Drug and Alcohol Program, Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging Inc. and Southwest Corner Workforce Development board.
In welcoming those in attendance, Commissioner Blair Zimmerman said he and his fellow Commissioners recognize how significant it is for grandparents and other caregivers who are raising children to receive important resources and information presented during the seminar.
He also said the Commissioners commend those in attendance for helping make a positive difference in the lives of the children they are caring for.