Elections & Voter Registration


The Office of Registration and Elections is accountable for effectively conducting all elections and voter registrations throughout Greene County.  The staff must undertake a broad spectrum of duties to assure a smooth election process.  Responsibilities of this office include processing and updating voter registration records, the procurement of appropriate polling places, programming and maintaining election machines and instruction of district boards for each election.  Most importantly, this office is responsible for preparation of all ballots, including absentee and mail-in ballots, so every citizen of Greene County has the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

Contact Information

Greene County Office Building
93 East High Street
Room 102
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Hours of Operation: M-F, 8:30AM to 4:30 PM

Department Contacts:

Joseph Lemley
Mary Kramer
Elections Manager

Election Calendar & Campaign Finance Information

2025 PA Elections Important Dates to Remember:
Mark your Calendars! Below are some important dates to remember for 2025. For a full listing of 2025 PA Elections Important dates, click here.  

  • May 5th: Last day to register before the Primary Election
  • May 13th: Last day to apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot
  • May 20th: Municipal Primary Election
  • October 20th: Last day to register before the November election
  • October 28th: Last day to apply for mail-in or absentee ballot 
  • November 4th: Municipal Election
NOTE: All dates are subject to change without notice. 

Candidates for a public office are required to file a campaign finance report or statement by the deadlines set by the state of Pennslyvania.  Click here for a full list the 2025 Campaign Finance Reporting Dates.  Below are quick links to the necessary forms. For further information on Campaign Finance Reporting Law, click here.

If you need any additional forms not listed above, click here.  

Click here for the 2025 Municipal Election Nomination Petition Filing Instruction Packet

Voter Registration Information

If you would like to register to vote you can click HERE and register online or stop by one of the below locations to pick up a registration form.  You may also download a registration form and mail it to the below address:
Greene County -Bureau of County Registration & Elections
93 E High Street, Rm 102
Waynesburg, PA 15370

Please note, if you do not select a certified political party (Democrat or Republican) you are unable to vote in the Primary Elections.  This election is for parties to nominate candidates.  Minor political parties (Non-partisan, no affiliation, Independent, etc) can only vote if there is a question on the ballot.

You can update your current voter registration online, by mail or in person using the Voter Registration Application and checking the change boxes that apply.  You must update your voter registration if you:
  • move/change your address
  • change your name
  • want to change your political party
If you have any questions regarding how to make changes to your voter registration you may contact our office at 724-852-5230.

If you would like to check any of the below information on your Pennslyvania voter registration click here.
  • Active Status
  • Political Party
  • Voting District
  • Polling Place
  • Permanent Voter Status
If you have any questions regarding your voter registration status feel free to contact us at 724-852-5230 or email elections@co.greene.pa.us

Mail-In & Absentee Ballot Information

If you are a permanent or annual voter and would like to cancel your ballot request for any upcoming elections please fill out the below form and send the completed form to our office.  

Request to Cancel My Ballot Request 

All voters may request a mail-in ballot for any reason but absentee ballots should only be requested by voters with disabilities, an illness or who will be absent from their municiplaity on Election day.  You have three options to request a mail-in or absentee ballot.  Please note, if you would like to receive a mail-in ballot for the remainder of this year and would like to automatically receive an annual application for mail-in ballots, be sure to fill out section 7 on the application. If you do not wish to receive the annual application skip this section. 

A designated agent is a person designated by a voter who is unable to obtain or return their mail-in or absentee ballot in person.  A voter may designate an agent on their behalf if they have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and it prevents them from doing any of the following:
  • Submitting a paper application for a mail-in or absentee ballot
  • Obtaining your mail-in or absentee ballot in person
  • Returning your voted mail-in or absentee ballot
If you meet the above criteria and would like to authorize a designated agent to obtain or return your ballot please fill out the Authorize a Designated Agent form here

I. Introduction

This ballot curing policy for Greene County is established to allow registered voters the
opportunity to curer immaterial deficiencies with their absentee or mail-in ballots.

II. Definitions

As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

Ballot: An absentee or mail-in ballot which a qualified elector may use to cast a vote in an
Bureau: The Greene County Bureau of Elections.
County: Greene County.
County Board: Greene County Board of Elections.
Deficiency: A defect regarding the required signature and/or date in the outside of the ballot
Party Committee: The Greene County Democratic Committee and the Greene County
Republican Committee, as designated by their respective state organizations.
Qualified Elector: Any person who shall possess all the qualifications for voting now or
hereafter prescribed by the Constitution of this Commonwealth.

III. Cure Procedure for Deficiency in the Ballot of a Qualified Elector

A. Upon identifying a Deficiency with a Ballott submitted by a Qualified Elector, the
Bureau will segregate said Ballott and place the Qualified Elector’s name and phone
number (if one is provided) on a list.

B. During a Primary Election, the list of Qualified Voters who submitted Deficient Ballots
shall be made available to the Party Committees once a day at the request of the Party

C. The Party Committees may contact the Qualified Elector who submitted a Ballot with a
Deficiency to advise that there is a Deficiency with their Ballott and that the Qualified
Elector is permitted to appear at the Bureau to remedy such deficiency.

D. During the general elections, in addition to Party Committees, the list of Qualified Voters
who submitted Ballots with Deficiencies will be made available to any duly authorized
representative of any recognized political party other than the Party Committees which
have a candidate on the Ballot.

It is acknowledged that Qualified Electors registered as Independent will not have a duly
authorized party representative. The Bureau will publicize through its regular course that
any voter can check the status of their Ballots via Department of State website and that
cure procedures are available.

E. To effect a cure, A Qualified Elector must appear in person at the Bureau before 8:00
P.M. on Election Day and sign an attestation that includes the missing or incorrect
signature and/or date, which shall be recorded with their Ballot.

F. The Bureau shall not perform any remedy on behalf of the Qualified Elector but will only
provide the opportunity for the Qualified Elector to remedy the defect.

G. The Bureau shall not send the Ballot back to the Qualified Elector or issue to the
Qualified Elector a new Ballot due to the deficiency.

H. This Policy shall not modify any procedures regarding Provisional Ballots with the
exception of allowing a Provisional Ballot to be counted for a Qualified Elector who
cannot come to the Bureau to remedy a deficiency on the Ballot envelope but is able to
go to their polling place.

IV. Cure Procedure for Deficiency in the Ballot as a result of Bureau Error

A. All Ballot Deficiencies caused by Bureau Error shall be dealt with on a case-by-case

B. In the event that a Ballot Deficiency exists as a result of Bureau Error, the Bureau shall
first determine whether the Ballot Deficiency can be remedied within the time limits
fixed by statute.

C. If it is determined that the Ballot Deficiency caused by Bureau Error can be remedied
within the time limits fixed by statute, the Bureau shall determine the specific errors
causing the Ballot Deficiency and prepare a second Ballot correcting the errors identified.

The initial ballots shall be declared null and void and shall be sequestered and segregated
and retained by the Bureau as provided by statute.

The corrected Ballots shall be mailed to the Qualified Electors accompanied by a letter
advising the Qualified Electors of the errors in the previous Ballot and requesting the
Qualified Electors to execute the second corrected Ballot.

D. If it is determined that the Ballot Deficiency caused by Bureau Error CANNOT be
remedied within the time limits fixed by statute, the Bureau shall determine the specific
errors causing the Ballot Deficiency.

The Bureau, on a “case by case” basis, shall determine an appropriate method to mitigate
the Ballot Deficiency to the extent possible.

E. The Bureau shall maintain a complete record of its efforts to remedy the Ballot
Deficiencies including but not limited to:

A. Minutes of meetings addressing the Ballot Deficiencies.

B. Measures taken by the Bureau to remedy or mitigate the Ballot Deficiencies.

31, 2023

Military/Federal Absentee Voter Information

2025 Important Dates for Military/Federal Absentee Voters:

  • Nov 4th: Municipal Election
  • Nov 12th: Last day for County Board of Elections to receive voted military and overseas absentee ballots (submitted for delivery no later than 11:59PM on  November 3rd)

If you are a military or federal voter and cannot vote at your polling place on Election Day, you are able to vote with an absentee ballot.  Below are the different ways you can request your military/federal absentee ballot. 
  • Request that the state e-mail an absentee ballot application to your e-mail by sending an e-mail to stsvcuocavaabs@pa.gov
  • Request that the state mail you a paper absentee ballot application by sending an e-mail to ST-OUCAVAQues@pa.gov
  • Complete and send a Federal Post Card Application for to our office at the below address.  If you would like your ballot e-mailed to you, please mark the box that says e-mail in block 5 of this application. 
Greene County-Bureau of County Registration & Elections
93 E High Street, Rm 102
Waynesburg, PA 15370

If you are a Military/Federal Voter and you have not received your absentee ballot in enough time to meet your state's deadlines, please use this ballot as a backup.

Election Results



Unofficial number of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots received by 8:00pm Election Day deadline for the 2024 General Election.               3434


 Unofficial number of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots that are yet to be counted for the 2024 General Election.          0


Number or election day precincts that are yet to be tallied for the 2024 General Election.                 0


Election Results - Click the below links to view results

Poll Worker Information

Poll Worker Information



Poll Workers Needed! 

Elections are made possible by regular citizens, like you, serving as poll workers across Pennsylvania.  Get involved today to help do your part for election integrity. If you are interested in becoming a poll worker please email the elections office at elections@co.greene.pa.us .


  • Must be registered to vote in the county where you wish to work
  • Cannot be a government official or employee
  • Cannot have your name on the current ballot (see exceptions below)
    • If you are a current elected Judge of Elections or Inspector and seeking re-election on the current ballot, you MAY work your polling location.
    • If you are a current poll worker and are running for an office OTHER than Judge of Elections or Inspector you may NOT work the polls. 
  • Poll workers are required to work the entire day on election day

  • Judge of Elections - This position is filled during municipal elections and serve a four year term.  The Judge of Elections is the person in charge a the polling place. 
  • Inspectors (Majority & Minority) - These positions are also filled during municipal elections and server a four year term.  The Inspectors work together with the Judge of Elections to manage the polling place, keep track of the number of voters, and deliever the returns to the county election office at the end of the day. 
  • Clerks - These workers help check-in voters, manage the lines, and make sure voters know what to do at each step of the voting process. 

Polling Location Information

Polling Locations:

Not sure where your polling location is?  Click here for a full list of precinct polling locations.  If you have any questions feel free to contact our office at 724-852-5320

Municipal Resources

Thinking of running for office in your township/borough or county but have questions?  Click on the office for which you would like to run to learn more!  If you have any questions regarding township/borough offices please contact your township/borough. Click here for a contact list.  If you are seeking a county position you may call the Elections office or stop in. 

If you are considering running for School Board Director below are a few resources to help.  

Legal and Technical Considerations for School Director Candidates
What does it take to be a School Director?

Please note, School Directors are able to cross-file.  Cross-filing means that a candidate can run on both the Republican and Democratic ballot.  If a candidate decides to cross file they are required to circulate two sets of petitions and all other required paperwork.  The candidate must have someone from their opposite party circulate the petition for the opposite ballot.  Electors must sign the petition for the party in which they are registered.  A Republican elector cannot sign a Democratic petition.  If you have questions regarding cross-filing feel free to contact our office, 724-852-5230. 

Act 48 2015 establishes additional requirements for individuals wishing to run for the office of tax collector and creates mandatory basic qualification and continuing education requirements for all tax collectors (Effective January 1, 2017). 
  • Individuals running for the office of tax collector, for the first time, must include a report of criminal history record from the PA State Police when filing their nomination petition with the county board of elections.  This report must be obtained within 1 year of filing the petition. This section does not apply to an individual filing a nomination petition for a second or subsequent term in the office of tax collector
  • If an individual filing a nomination petition, for the first time, has not been a resident of this Commonwealth for the two years immediately preceding the filing of the petition, they must also submit a report of Federal criminal history record  with the county board of elections.  This report must be obtained within 1 year of filing the petition. This section does not apply to an individual filing a nomination petition for a second or subsequent term in the office of tax collector.
  • An individual who has been elected for the office of tax collector must qualify for bond before he/she enters into the duties of office.
  • The Tax collector basic qualification class and examination must be completed before the Oath of Office for all new tax collectors.  Upon satisfactory completion of the class and examination, an individual will be considered a “Qualified” collector.
Click here for more information on Act 48. 

For more information about the Tax Collectors office please visit, www.pstca.org