Housing Resources

Housing Services Resources

211 Flyer
To access any of the Family Resources Please Click HERE

To access any of the SAFE Program Services Please Click HERE

To access any of these Housing Services, Please Click HERE or contact:

Housing Outreach Specialist

Fort Jackson Building (3rd Floor)

19 South Washington Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370

Phone: 724-852-5276/ Fax: 724-852-5368

Greene County Housing and Family Resources offers a full continuum of housing services. The Philosophy of the County is to keep people housed whenever possible and if they become homeless, to assist them to move to permanent housing. Our programs serve the following:

  • Persons at risk of homelessness
  • Homeless
  • Persons with Behavioral Health (Mental Health and Drug Alcohol) Issues
  • Low Income families and individuals
  • Families involved with Children and Youth
  • Persons with Special Needs and/ or Disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Youth in transition
  • Person involved in the Criminal Justice System
  • Veterans

Contact Information

Fort Jackson Building
19 South Washington Street
3rd floor
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Hours of Operation: M-F, 8:30AM to 4:30 PM

Department Contacts:

Eric Greaves
Housing Caseworker
Amy Switalski
Housing Administrator

Homelessness in Greene County

Greene County Housing and Family Resources Department has adopted the "no wrong door" approach when it comes to long-term solutions to end homelessness.
The Housing Program is a part of the Western Regional Housing Advisory Board (RHAB) and the One by One, Ending Homelessness in Western PA movement.

By coming into the office or by calling 724-852-5276, during the hours of operation, or by calling 724-852-2911 after hours, we can complete a Coordinated Assessment with someone whom is experiencing homelessness.

By completing this assessment, you will have access to referrals, based on the results of the assessment tools, to ALL homelessness assistance programs (and other related programs when appropriate) within a 20 county region.
The assessment also:

- Provides a referral protocol to ensure that the programs accept all eligible referrals and rejections are justified and rare.
- Reduces, limits and removes barriers for individuals to access housing or services.
- Ensures a housing first approach is used throughout the CoC.
- Ensures that the process incorporates the participant’s choice.
- Captures and manages data related to assessment and referrals in a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and utilizes that the information to guide homeless assistance planning and systems change.

To access any of these housing services, contact:

Housing Outreach Specialist 
Fort Jackson Building (3rd Floor) 
19 South Washington Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 
Phone: 724-852-5276/ Fax: 724-852-5368 
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday 
After office hours, please contact 724-852-2911 and someone will reach you within 24 hours.


Housing Services In Greene County

Housing Assistance Program

  • Case Management:
    • The Greene County Housing Program Case Management Services' main focus is to utilize existing programs and resources to assist the individual to achive the goals set forth with his/her case manager. These services are able to provide general case management and can also help with clients that do not have a current caseworker in another area such as the Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol programs. The case manager will provide a blend of assessment and coordination services.
  • Rental Assistance:
    • Greene County Housing Program: The Housing Assistance Program (HAP) utilizes funds to help prevent homelessness. These funds may provide financial assistance to pay first month's rent, back rent and or essential utilities
    • Funds are available specifically for low-income households, Mental Health Consumers, or those that are involved with Greene County Children and Youth Services. Please click here for the HAP Brochure.
  • County Assistance Office:
    • Funds are available through the CAO to assist families and individuals who are homeless or near homeless and who need assistance in order to: prevent eviction/foreclosure, obtain permanent housing/temporary shelter. Please click on the following link to view the website: Emergency Shelter Allowance

Greene County Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness:
  • PATH services are for people with serious mental illness, including those with co-occurring substance use disorders, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. PATH services include community-based outreach, mental health, substance abuse, case management and other support services, as well as a limited set of housing services. For more information, click here to view the GPATH Brochure.

Rapid Re-Housing

The purpose of the Rapid Re-Housing Program is to assist individuals and families who are already homeless to obtain permanent housing that is affordable and stable. This includes individuals who qualify under the definition of homeless as issued in the HUD regulations and description of eligible participants outlined in the guidelines. Individuals and families will be selected for the program through the Coordinated Entry Prioritization list for the Western COC.

Greene County Human Services has specific Rapid Re-Housing -- Provides rapid rehousing financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services that include life skills and case management.

Transitional Housing

WhiteHill Place -  Is a renovated six unit building that offers Transitional Housing. The program is administer through.

SPHS Connect, Inc. Transitional Housing provides supportive housing (single unit) for up to eighteen months for homeless individuals. Residents are afforded their own apartment and pay 30% of their income towards rent and utilities. The program offers case management and support services to assist in obtaining income and eligible benefits while finding permanent housing. Guest must meet regulations set forth by HUD and will be selected for the program through the Coordinated Entry Prioritization list for the Western COC.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH): Provides housing (single and family units) scattered site apartments leased by private landlords for individuals and families. This program is for homeless persons with disabilities. Guest are required to pay 30% of their gross income towards rent and utilities. Case management assists with linking to employment, resources and supportive services. Residents obtaining this service must meet all eligibility requirements set forth by HUD and will be selected through the Coordinated Entry Prioritization list for the Western COC.

To be placed on the Coordinated Entry Prioritization list for the Western COC list, please visit http://www.pennsylvaniacoc.org.


  • The County of Greene does not own nor manage the below subsidized locations:
  • Public Housing:
    • HUD Subsidized Housing: The following properties are all owned and managed by the Housing Authority of the County of Greene. To access any of these properties, you must apply to:

      • Housing Authority of the County of Greene
        102 School Drive, Waynesburg, PA 15370
        Phone: 724-627-6523
    1. Avalon Court: 170 East Greene Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370   OA   PWD
    2. Grandview Apartments: Grandview Drive, Waynesburg, PA 15370 A   F PWD
    3. Liberty Avenue: behind McCracken’s Pharmacy, Waynesburg, PA 15370 A   F PWD
    4. Thompson Gardens: 5th & Walnut Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370   OA   PWD
    5. Southside: Elm, Rich Hill & Walnut Alley, Waynesburg, PA 15370 A   F  
    6. Wayne Village: West High Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 A   F PWD
    7. Woodland Avenue Apartments: Woodland Avenue, Waynesburg, PA 15370 A   F  
    8. Woodside Manor: 522 P South & Renehart, Carmichaels, PA 15320   OA   PWD
    *A=Adults | OA= Older Adults | F=Families | PWD=People with a Disability
  • Private Subsidized Housing: The following properties are owned and operated by different private companies. To access these properties, you must apply separately to each property at the address or phone number listed below:

1. Bridge Street Commons: 600 Bridge Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 (724-627-4145) 30 (1-bedroom) apartments, 62+ older or 18+ with a disability that requires an accessible unit:





2. Carmichaels Arbors: Arbor Apartment #76, Carmichaels, PA 15320 (724-966-7321 or 724-966-5860):




3. Cedarwood Apartments: 403 Cedarwood Drive, Carmichaels, PA 15320 (724-866-5860):





4. Mountainview Gardens: 300 Mountainview Drive, Waynesburg, PA 15370 (724-627-3869) Westgate Management Company, 133 Franklin Corner Road, Trenton, NJ 08648 (609-393-1802):





5. Parkview Knoll: 358 Ceylon Road, Carmichaels, PA 15320 (724-966-8667)




6. Gateway Senior Housing: 300 Nazer Street Waynesburg PA 15370 (724-833-9217





6. Waynesburg House: 75 West Lincoln Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 (724-627-5031) Insignia Management Company (814-749-9210):





*A=Adults | OA= Older Adults | F=Families | PWD=People with a Disability

Greene County Human Services has aquired funds through PHARE to provide rental assistance to Greene County Veterans who meet income eligibility requirements (less than 30%of AMI). This may include individuals and families with one or more of the following:

  • Homeless or at risk of homelessness

  • Youth in transition

  • Persons with Serious Mental Illness

  • Persons with Behavioral Health Issues

  • (Mental Health and Drug Alcohol)

  • Persons with Physical Disabilities

  • Seniors

  • Families involved with Children and Youth Services  



    Veterans will have access to the program in the Greene County housing continuum which includes:


  • Outreach

  • Intake and Assessment

  • Homeless Prevention and Diversion

  • Rapid Rehousing

  • Emergency Shelter

  • Transitional Housing

  • Permanent Housing

  • Supportive Services


    If veterans do not qualify for these programs, then on a case by case basis the Veteran and their families circumstance will be reviewed and would be assisted through PHARE dollars.

    These services could include:

  • Up to 6 months rental assistance based on need, with veterans paying 30% of their income

  • First months rent, utilities assistance and or household essentials

  • Case management services


    All Veterans receiving PHARE Rental Assistance dollars will be wrapped with County funded supportive services that fit their individual needs, with the goal of becoming self-sufficient.

    Greene County Human Services will work closely ensure participants in the program are receiving all eligible veterans services/benefits including Supportive Services For Veterans and Family (SSVF).  Multidisciplinary Team meetings will be held on a regular basis to ensure that all services wrapped around the Veteran can be on the same page and work more efficiently.  Participants will be assisted in completing applications for subsidized housing if eligible. 

    Other services that they receive may include:


  • PREP training

  • Financial literacy

  • Employment Assistance

  • other services such as mental health, drug and alcohol

  • Life skills training

  • Family Counseling

  • Parenting Classes

Fair Housing

Fair HOusing Logo
For more information about Fair Housing in Greene County, please see our Fair Housing page

Greene County Housing Option Partnership Meetings

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