Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services Program

The Greene County Human Services Department (GCHSD) Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Program promotes opportunities for individuals with disabilities to lead full and productive lives within our community. 

Mission and Goals

The Greene County Human Services Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Program promotes opportunities for individuals with disabilities to lead full and productive lives within our community. It is our goal to ensure that services and supports are provided to meet the needs of consumers with intellectual disabilities in the least restrictive setting possible. We want all individuals whom we serve to be active members of our community and live a life of quality.

Contact Information

Fort Jackson Building
19 South Washington Street
3rd floor
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Hours of Operation: M-F, 8:30AM to 4:30 PM

Department Contacts:

Deneen Shrader
Victoria Stewart
IDD Program Specialist
Crystal Barrett
Support Coordinator Supervisor
Susan Fox
Supports Coordinator
Stacey Mason
Supports Coordinator

Program Eligibility

This county office determines a person’s eligibility for Medicaid Waiver funding under the Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). The three waivers are the Consolidated Waiver, the Person-Family Directed Services Waiver and the Community Living Waiver. An individual must meet the following criteria in order to be determined eligible:
  • Must be eligible for medical assistance through the County Assistance Office.
  • Must have a documented diagnosis of an intellectual and/or developmental disability or autism, which occurred during the developmental period of birth through 22nd birthday as determined by a licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed physician who practices psychiatry. (Documentation by a standardized general intelligence test).
  • Certification that the individual has significant impairments in adaptive behavior based on results of a standardized assessment of adaptive functioning.

Intake and Enrollment

Individuals interested in waiver services may contact Greene County Human Services IDD Program at 724.852.5276 and ask to speak with the IDD Administrator or IDD Program Specialist. Upon intake, individuals will need to provide proof of identification, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, and Medical/Access Card.

Once eligibility is determined and all intake and eligibility documents are received, an individual may choose a Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) and a Supports Coordinator (SC) will be assigned. From that point, a PUNS form will be completed (Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services) which identifies services that are needed and categorizes the urgency of need. Funding is distributed based on the urgency of need and available funds.  The SC will meet with the individual and family or support persons to develop the Individualized Service Plan (ISP).

Enrollment in the program does require individual and/or family participation in assessment processes, annual eligibility re-determination processes, and monitoring requirements. To maintain eligibility in the program, participants must adhere to medical assistance requirements from the County Assistance Office, have annual medical forms completed by their physician, and work with their Supports Coordinator in scheduling home visits and submitted various documentation requirements.

Program Services

Supports Coordination: A critical service that involves the primary functions of locating, coordinating, and monitoring needed services and supports for waiver participants. Locating services and supports consists of assistance to the participant and his or her family in linking, arranging for, and obtaining services specified in an ISP, including needed medical, social, habilitation, education, or other needed community services.

Greene County Human Services Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Program offers choice of willing and qualified service providers. During the intake, enrollment, and planning processes, a complete overview of available providers and services will be reviewed.

Medicaid Home and Community Based Services: (include, but are not limited to the following)
  •         Community Homes
  •         Adult Training Facilities and Older Adult Daily Living Programs
  •         Pre-Vocational Services
  •         Supported Employment Services        
  •         Respite
  •         Home & Community Habilitation
  •         Companion Services
  •         Assistive Technology and accessibility accommodations 
  •         Behavior Support Services

Visit the following website for further information and valuable resources for individuals with disabilities and their families:
* The Pennsylvania Training Partnership for People with Disabilities and Families - This link provides the most comprehensive list of resources, forms and information available, as well as additional Frequently Asked Questions.

You also may find more helpful information and resources by going online and checking out PA Department of Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Bureau of Autism Services and ASERT -

Frequently Asked Questions to Greene County IDD Program

1.    How do I get started in services?
Individuals interested in waiver services may contact Greene County Human Services IDD Program at 724-852-5276 and ask to speak with the IDD Administrator or IDD Program Specialist.

2.    What is the PUNS?
PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. The PUNS form gathers information about your situation, your needs (current and anticipated) and what services & supports you many need through the Office of Developmental Programs. The information is collected by each County’s Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Program, also known as that County’s Administrative Entity (AE). The PUNS is used by the County IDD Program and state to track how many people are waiting for services and what types of services are needed.

3.    What is the waiting list?
The waiting list refers to the number of persons who have completed a PUNS, but are waiting for available funding or waivers to receive services. Each county gets an annual allocation of funding from the Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Programs. Counties prioritize funding based on urgency of need, availability of services to meet these needs, and availability of funding. People already enrolled in waivers must have all their needs met before the County can enroll new people.

4.    How long do I have to wait?
It is important to remember that the Waiting List is not like a typical waiting line where each person has a number. The county matches available resources with individual needs to determine who gets services and when. People in Emergency category will have priority, but may still have to wait.

5.    What is a Waiver?
Waiver is a short way of saying "Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Program." Waivers pay for supports and services that eligible people need to live in the community instead of an institution. Waiver programs are funded by federal and state monies. The federal (Medicaid) portion of funding is matched by the state. The three types of waiver programs are:
  •     Person/Family Directed Support (PFDS) Waiver: It is known as the "smaller" waiver because it has a cap of $41,000 (currently) per person each fiscal year. This funding can be used to get the support you need to participate in a wide range of activities in your community. The PFDS waiver cannot support residential services in a community home.
  •     Consolidated Waiver: This waiver is sometimes referred to as the "big" waiver, or residential waiver because it can include residential services in community homes. There is no set dollar cap on your individual budget to purchase needed supports that you can receive. The amount of support will be based on needs as determined through the planning process.
  •     Community Living Waiver: Cap of $85,000 for those living at home with relatives or independently.

6.    Is it possible to lose my waiver after I am enrolled?
Yes, you must continue to meet the following criteria annually:
  •     Eligibility for IDD Services
  •     Level of Care (ICF/ID) — This means that you have the same level of care needs as someone who would receive the same services in an institution.
  •     Financial eligibility — This is determined by the County Assistance Office