Washington Township

Washington Township

Washington Township was formed in 1838 and incorporated from Franklin, Morgan, & Morris Townships. The population was 1,110 at the 2000 census. Washington Township is in 18th Congressional District, the 46th Senatorial District, and the 50th Legislative District of Pennsylvania.

Contact Information

Washington Township Municipal Building, Ruff Creek, PA.
Mailing Address:
112 Municipal Lane
Prosperity, PA 15329
Hours of Operation: M-Th, 8:00 am to 12:00 Noon; Closed on Friday

Municipality Contacts:

Walter Stout
Mary J. Pratt

Washington Township News




1. With the arrival of much needed rain, the Washington Township Supervisors have lifted the No Burning Regulation in the township. Please remember, however, that before lighting an outdoor fire in the township, you must call 911 and inform the operator that you are doing a 'Controlled Burn' and give the location of the planned burning.  

2. Please note that our monthly Supervisor's meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Township Garage Building. All are welcome!







Washington Township Officials - Supervisor's Meeting Agendas & Meeting Minutes

Walter Stout, Chairman
Troy Smith, Vice Chairman
Charles Hickman, Supervisor
Scheduled Meeting Dates: 6:30 p.m., the second Tuesday of each month — at the Township Building
TAX COLLECTOR: Karen Stockdale 961 Garner Run Rd, Waynesburg, PA 15370 Phone: 724-627-7422
Gwen McCullough, Roland Daniels, Connie Grimes

Keystone Collections Group
546 Wendel Rd, Irwin, PA 15462
Phone: 724-978-0300 / Fax: 724-978-0339

Dennis Makel, Attorney at Law
98 East Maiden Street, Washington, PA 15301
Phone: 724-222-7639

SEWAGE OFFICER: Timothy Neil — 724-880-0914
CONSTABLE: Vacant     EMA COORDINATOR: Nicholas (Nick) Eddy
ENGINEER: Mackin Engineering for Planning and Development
Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer: Tammy Stenson, Phone: 724-439-8110, ext. 106
UCC & Building Codes Inspection: McMillen Engineering, Inc. Uniontown, PA.  724-439-8110

    Township Budgets:
    Permit Information & Applications:
        Residential & Commerical Building Permit - Application Checklist
        Zoning Information & Application
        Zoning Hearing Application
        Heavy Hauling Agreement (2021)
        Schedule of Fees (2023)

    Zoning Ordinance of Washington Township — defining and regulating the location, height, bulk, erection, construction, alteration, razing, removal and size of structures:
        Click here for part 1 of ordinance document (pages 1-84/666kb).
        Click here for part 2 of ordinance document (Schedules I & II).

    Click HERE to read the Executive Summary of the Washington Township Comprehensive Plan.
    Click HERE(Coming Soon) to read the Complete Edition of the Washington Township Comprehensive Plan. For information on the Comprehensive Plan, please contact the township office at 724-627-6471.
    Also see the Greene County Comprehensive Plan prepared by the Department of Economic Development.

For additional information, please contact the township office at 724-627-6471.

Meeting Dates: 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. — Township Building

Zoning Officer: Tammy Stenson, AICP,BCO, McMillen Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 724-439-8110
Hours by appointment
Zoning Board Members:
Larry Hall, Chairman, Kevin McElheney, David Riccuitti.
Alternates: Richard Headlee, Jim Hughes

Meeting Dates: 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM — Township Building     
Planning Commission Members:
Robert Romanosky, Chairman, Raymond Stockdale, Secretary,
Bryan Cole II, Shirley Hall, Debra Harris, Brett Stewart and Correan Stewart. 

Meeting Dates:
Park Board Members:
Tammy Smith, Chairperson, Shauna Tretinik, Secretary, 
Jodi Pierce Craig, Sarah Eddy, Terry Meek, Walker Smith, Debbie Stephenson

Meeting Dates: 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. — Township Building     AG Security Board Members:
Jon Corbett, Roland Daniels, Keith Martin, & Robert Romanosky


More Information About Washington Township

 Children living in Washington Township: attend schools within the Central Greene School District, which include:
  •     Waynesburg Central Elementary School (724-627-3081)
  •     Waynesburg Central Jr./Sr. High School (724-852-1050)
  •     Greene County Career & Technology Center (724-627-3106)
  •     Central Greene School District Administration Offices (724-627-8151) (Fax: 724-627-9591)

The Voting Precinct for Washington Township is located at the Washington Township Supervisors Building at 112 Municipal Lane in Ruff Creek, Pennsylvania (Building Phone: 724-627-6471). For more information, contact the Greene County Elections Office at 724-852-5304.

Washington Township Coordinance and more: Latitude 39º58'00"N, Longitude -80º12'14"W, Elevation 1000 ft. Watershed used by Washington Township is the Ohio Basin, Monongahela Sub-basin.

Washington Township Geography: according to the United States Census Bureau, has a total area of 70.0 km² (27.0 mi²) 69.9 km² (27.0 mi²), of it is land and 0.07% is water.

    Greene Arc of Greene County:
        The Arc — Greene Arc, Inc. is a private, nonprofit corporation providing residential, vocational, day support, job support, job opportunities, advocacy, and mental health/recovery services to citizens with disabilities of Greene and surrounding counties. Our goal is to promote the independence and employment of individuals with disabilities. Click HERE for more information or call 724-627-5511.
        Greene Arc Recycling Facility — 197 Dunns Station Road at Prosperity, PA (Washington Township, Greene County, PA). FMI, call 724-852-3062 or visit their website at www.greenearc.org or call 724-627-5511.

    Parks, Recreation, businesses, etc:

        Washington Township Park consists of approximately 6 relatively flat acres. The park features two softball fields, a large pavilion with seating for 75, a smaller, one-family pavillion, a full-size basketball court, 2 play areas with outdoor playground playsets, a climbing dome, benches & bleachers, spring animals, and a 1/4 mile paved walking trail. There is also a modern restroom facility. To make Park Reservations, contact Township Secretary Mary Pratt at 724-627-6471.

        Seldom Seen Farm Stables: Established in 2009, a family owned and operated business, nestled in a quiet little valley near Ruff Creek; just a few minutes north of Waynesburg in Greene County and near the Washington County line in Pennsylvania. You don't need to own a horse, you can ride one of ours (saddleseat riding discipline, lessons for all ages). Contact Mandy at 724-998-7335 or 724-852-3084.

        Elysian Fields Farm: In 1989 Keith Martin left a career in investment banking for greener pastures. Over the next few years he parceled together 200 acres of farmland in Greene County, Pennsylvania. Today, Martin is the proud owner and operator of the lamb farm which set the foundation for Pure Bred. Their lamb meat cuts are on the menu at some of the world’s finest restaurants.

    Historical Sites:
        Ruff Creek General Store, is the oldest continuously operating general store in southwestern Pennsylvania. Ruff Creek General Store was opened in 1925 by the brothers Shirk who sold it in 1947 to Guy Lemmon.

        Covered Bridge: The closest covered bridge to Washington Township is the Cox / Lippencott Covered Bridge, located just west of the Village of Lippencott in Morgan Township. The span sits across the Ruff Creek stream just a few yards from the interesection of Kennel Road and PA Rt. 221. The Cox / Lippencott Farm Bridge boasts a slightly unusual design, as it is covered with white horizontal clapboard siding on both the exterior sides and the portals. Like most other Greene County covered bridges, the Lippincott / Cox Farm Bridge is located on a heavily traveled township road in an open rural area. This bridge was constructed in 1943 because of a shortage of steel during the war years; it was revamped in August 2012.


    Bridge Number: 2023 (County BMS Number: 30 7213 0568 2023)
    Year built: 1940 (bridge was constructed due to a shortage of steel during the war years).
    Builder: Nancy Davis' father and/or grandfather
    Bridge Dimensions: 17'8" x 15'
    Truss Type: Kingpost
    Lat/Long Coordinance: N39 56.59 | W80 07.55
    Bridge Location & Waterway: Located on a heavily traveled township road in an open rural area. Spans Ruff Creek in Morgan Township.
    Directions to bridge: NW of Jefferson in Morgan Township, PA188 west 2.5 miles from junction with Pine Street in Jefferson, NW on PA221 1.8 miles, south on Kennel Road 50' to the bridge.
    Description: shortest covered bridge in Greene County; weight Limit 4 tons; bridge has white siding horizontal board; no windows; with sheet metal roof. One concrete abutment, one stone & mortar reinforced with concrete abutment; concrete wingwalls; supported by five steel beams. Easy drive.
    Cox Covered Bridge Puzzle
    August 2012
    Cox Covered Bridge scheduled for rehabitation — click here for story (Observer-Reporter, 8/8/2012)

    Churches: Bethlehem Baptist Church of Ruff Creek , Bates Fork Baptist Church of Sycamore

    Cemeteries: Bates Fork Cemetery, Bethlehem Cemetery, Blaker Cemetery, Huffman Cemetery, Simmons Cemetery, Sycamore Cemetery, Taylor Cemetery

    Streams and creeks: Craig Run, Bates Fork, Mud Lick Run, Walkers Run, Jersey Run, Boyd Run, Pettit Run, Ruff Creek.


(Information Source: wikipedia.org (Wikipedia, the Free Online Encyclopedia))

Local government in Pennsylvania is a mosaic of 5,334 individual units. All were established by the State or provincial government and operate under laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Each unit is distinct and independent of other local units, although they may overlap geographically and may act together to serve the public. Washington Township is located within Greene County, Pennsylvania, United States; its population was 1,106 at the 2000 census.

Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors

County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP)

Watersheds: Ohio Basin, Monongahela Subbasin (Source: www.dep.state.pa.us).
A watershed is an area of land that drains into a lake or river. As rainwater and melting snow run downhill, they carry sediment and other materials into our streams, lakes, wetlands and groundwater (Source www.dep.pa.gov)

Hydrologic Unit Map and Hydrologic Unit Codes

USGS Real-time Water Data for the Nation (Surface water, ground water, and water quality)
To search for cemeteries, villages and other features within Greene County, visit the USGS Geographical Names Information System (GNIS) to determine what 7.5' topographic map(s) depict specific geographic features.

Pennsylvania State Archives

Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (Archived Land Records)